Inner City Ministry, pt 1

We tackle the tricky concept of "relevance". But first, some fake news.

Relevance has long been an influential idea in the Church and ministry. Are you relevant? Does that matter? Apparently, everything must be relevant. There are many ideas and activities churches and ministries try. But what does God say about relevancy?

What is your motivation for ministry? Is it to be relevant? To do something for God? A compulsion for duty? Trends?

What God wants us to do has to come from our relationship with Him.

Compulsion can be a powerful motivator. But the important thing is obedience to God’s direction.

Does God have to be relevant?

Relevancy = culture dictates God and the Gospel.

For us, relevancy means simply being aware of your times and surroundings. We need to be aware of different things than people in wholly alien cultures and times. How did we get to here? What are the current influencing factors in society? What are the modern obstacles people face? What creative solutions are available to you?

Theme from scripture – There is more than one way to minister. The inner court and the outer court. Ministering in the spirit or the flesh

Sometimes ministering in the way God wants you to means your ministry is rejected by the people.

Understanding culture and how it got here is a process of understanding the lies it believes and the strongholds satan has.

John Mark McMillan – Between the Cracks
“Tambourines” by Enter the Worship Circle. Used by permission.

This episode originally broadcast live on July 10, 2015 on KXEN 1010AM in St. Louis, MO

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Theme music: “The Resistance” by Josh Garrels ( licensed by Marmoset Music (