Two Gospels

We see two gospels reflected in Scripture and present in the world today: 1)The Personal Savior gospel that focuses on repentance from sin; 2)The Gospel of the Kingdom

The number churchless Americans has increased 1/3 in 20 years.
The end goal of Christianity is not correct theology

James 2:20, Isaiah 61
People recognize that love and good works are good things, and generally don’t belittle those giving themselves to good works.
43% of people not going to church does not equal 43% of people don’t love God
A religion of intellect and events leaves people very self-focused

Revisit the Gospel – Identity and Lordship of Jesus, good works He designed for us to do long ago

Personal Savior Gospel – takes focus off of what God is doing in the world today; puts focus on the forgiveness of YOUR sins, and reduces it down to your experience. The Gospel of the Kingdom is much bigger than you.  A modern perversion of John’s Gospel – a gospel of repentance that prepares the way for the Gospel of the Kingdom. Yes, stop sinning, but also come into the Kingdom and become the Bride, take your place in the Body, and seek out what God is doing.

The Gospel of the Kingdom moves us to do what Jesus did – this results in transformation

What was Jesus’ Gospel?  Jesus lived His Gospel. He gave up everything to come and serve those who were His enemies.

The Gospel of the Kingdom changes what you value

Ephesians 2:8-10 – We don’t get saved as a result of our works. Yet we were saved FOR these good works that God has prepared for us to walk in. Our searching and longing must be for Christ Himself, not for the works. As we come to know our Father, He will bring us into these works. As He does this, we must yield to these works.

No one looks at martyrs and says, “Man, they really screwed up and got themselves killed.”

These works are for the CHURCH – not just about you, and you achieving a sense of purpose. It’s about this New Family becoming an organism and functioning by God’s design.

Because God said it was not good for man to be alone, because the Church is the BODY of Christ, we will never function by His design and accomplish these Good Works He’s designed for us unless we’re functioning in a Body.

The two gospels

  • One gospel wants to know what the bible says
  • One gospel wants to live what the bible says

1 Corinthians 1:26 – think of what you were when you were called

If you change the way you perceive the Gospel into more relational terms, it helps clarify things. Children demand everything of their parents. Families are bigger than you, and bigger even than you, your spouse, and your kids. The church is the same way.


Audio Adrenaline – Hands and Feet

Josh Garrels – Don’t Wait for Me

This episode originally broadcast live on May 22, 2015 on KXEN 1010AM in St. Louis, MO

For more info:

Theme music: “The Resistance” by Josh Garrels ( licensed by Marmoset Music (

Additional music: “Rugged Old Hand” by Ben Pasley, from his album Residue; “In this World” by Enter the Worship Circle, from their album Village Thrift.  Both used by permission of Ben Pasley of Enter the Worship Circle.