As summer fully rolls in and Oklahoma starts to heat up, the Sun Ministries team in Barnsdall is moving forward to be on the mission and make disciples.

The first official missionary home is completely renovated, and we (the Sanford family) are settling in. We hope to build a home where people and the Holy Spirit are welcome and active.

We have taken the Virtual Discipleship Small Groups offline, and have begun to take disciples through them on the ground. Our hope is that these groups will be so much more than a Bible study. We want this to equip our church body to pastor the community, make disciples who make disciples, and be intentional followers of Jesus.

We are also beginning to walk the streets of our town— praying, setting our feet on the ground, and telling residents about who we are and what we do as a ministry, especially focusing on the Narrow Gate program and the Community Pastoral Care Network.

We face a lot of challenges, but we have a lot of hope and tremendous joy in the work God has set before us. Please pray for us— that we would have abundant opportunity to bring God’s kingdom to earth.